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Day 1 of Training for My First RAGNAR Race!

Melissa Ewing

Updated: Apr 27, 2024

Yesterday I introduced this blog series as a way to track my progress (and keep myself accountable) as I train for my first RAGNAR relay race in April 2024. I will be doing Trail Atlanta, which is a trail race. Today was DAY 1 of the 12 week training for RAGNAR! I'm off and running (literally).

I plan to follow (more or less) the 12 Week (Advanced) Trail Program suggested for the Atlanta relay race. I do other activities as well, so I may be switching some of the rest days and leave off one of the run days during the week so I don't over exert myself. In the past my other activities (such as dance classes and boxing) have helped with cross training and endurance.

In preparation for training, our team captain organized a Q&A meetup for the newbies. I got to meet a few other teammates and hear veterans talk about their experience. It made the race seem much less daunting. Biggest takeway was if I follow the recommended training I'll be more than prepared! And I probably need to get some trail shoes before the big race.

New Shoes and Shades!

My new running shoes arrive just in time for Day 1. I get my running shoes at Big Peach Running Co. in Alpharetta (they also have other locations) because they have a large selection and take time to review your feet and suggest a proper fit. I've basically gotten the same shoe the past 3 years just in different colors with slight yearly updates.

My birthday is next month (February 17) and my sister loves for me to give her suggestions for gifts. I told her with the upcoming training I could think of several things I would use! Just in time for Day 1 these cool new shades from my niece and nephew (Alexis and Peyton) arrived. I love them because they sit well on my face, lightweight, and great color with mirror glasses. (My sister also gave me a second pair I'll share soon!)

New shades for Day 1 Training
Me in my new shades

Day 1 of RAGNAR Training!

Mondays are my weekly yoga/bellydance fusion class. I'll still be doing this class as I signed up today for a bellydance student performance in a Dance Showcase at the dance studio (Motus) in May. I may seem a bit like an overachiever, but I'm just allowing myself to pursue my passions and see where the journey leads. When it's something I enjoy, I make it work! I may be reminding myself of that in a few weeks...

I ran 3 miles this afternoon. It felt great. The sun was out after several days of rain. It may sound counter productive but one treat when I do a 3+ run is an optional beer at the end (depending on the time of day). Since it was Day 1 it seemed a good day for one! Jekyll Brewing in Alpharetta is my go-to place for post-run beer, and they know me for my running. One bartender has been there through my training for the Peachtree Road Race and last year the half marathon and says I've been an inspiration to her. It's another form of accountability for me as it feels like my neighborhood is rooting me on. My average pace is 10 miles/minute...we'll see if it improves by the end of this training and how it goes once I incorporate trail runs. That's it for now!


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